The African Union-Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) is a technical arm of the African Union Commission (AUC) with a mandate to enhance the technical capacity of Member States (MS) and Regional Economic Communities (REC) to sustainably manage their animal resources for the improvement of human livelihoods and conservation of ecosystems.
Pastoralism is commonly practiced in many parts of Africa. It is a production system that encourages livestock mobility to maximize available (temporal and spatial) natural resources. This system has been operational for centuries and is widely regarded as the most sustainable land-use system, especially in drylands, arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) where crop production and other forms of agriculture are not suitable.
The African Union Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa, PFPA (Securing, protecting and improving the lives, livelihoods and rights of pastoralist communities) supports pastoralism as a viable and sustainable production and livelihood system. Objective 2 of the framework is based on the need to improve pastoral resource governance for efficient conflict prevention and secured pastoral resource management and property rights, both within and across borders, and support pastoral, mobile livestock production, and the processing and marketing of livestock products. Until now, a poor record of the policy implementation is reported.
Pastoralists in Africa have unique mechanisms for promoting their livelihoods, which primarily revolves around livestock keeping, production, and management. In this regard, they have differing but interlinked connections with the environment adopting their indigenous knowledge practices. These practices include mobility, livestock management, animal health practices, grazing practices, land and water management, etc. Therefore, Indigenous-Knowledge Practices (IKP) must be documented and shared on both continental and global levels. Future implementation plans for policies/strategies for pastoralists' livelihood and the pastoral system resilience must consider the IKP. One of the good windows and opportunities to document, share, discuss and build awareness is the International Rangelands Congress (IRC) to be held in Nairobi in October 2021.
Therefore, it is a priority to assess the adoption of the African Union Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa, PFPA, and other national or regional policies/strategies aligned with; and to document the Indigenous Knowledge Practices (IKP) for the livelihood and disaster risk management/reduction in the main pastoral communities (Pastoral Ethno-Ecological groups). Then to identify how to included the adopted IKP in future implementation plans for policies/strategies concerned with pastoralist livelihood and the pastorals system resilience, as means for linking vision with reality in the implementation of policy framework for pastoralism.
Therefore, AU-IBAR is seeking the services of the following individual consultants;
Lot 1: A Lead Consultant, LC (Individual Consultancy): The LC will lead, guide, and coordinate the implementation of this consultative study; develop the inception report, work plan, data collection tools, and data analysis approach (in coordination with the four sub-regional consultants); and will follow-up activities with the four sub-regional consultants and the Documentary expert. He/She will be responsible for developing the Draft regional report, lead its validation with stakeholders, and editing and finalizing the final report at the best professional level.
Lot 2: Three (3) Sub-Regional Consultants (Individual Consultancy) SRC (from ECCAS, ECOWAS, and IGAD): The SRC will conduct the assessments and documentation of the status on policies (Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa, PFPA, and other regional/national policies/strategies aligned with). He/She will coordinate (with the Documentary Expert) the regional study on indigenous knowledge practices (IKP) supporting pastoralists' livelihood and Disaster risk Management/Reduction and identify how the IKP to be included in and support the implementation of the PFPA. Particular focus will be directed to the rule and practices of women pastoralists in the IKP.
Lot 3: A Documentary Specialist/ Videographer ((Individual Consultancy): He / she will conduct the documentary of real-time stories of IKP in the indigenous communities in selected countries through videography and interviewing stakeholders, with more focus on the rule and practices of women pastoralists.
Lot 4. Photographer (Individual Consultancy): He / she will support the documentary of real-time stories of IK Practices in the indigenous communities by taking high-quality professional photos and help the documentary specialist interviewing stakeholders and the documentation process.
Objectives of the Consultation
- To assess the adoption of the African Union Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa (more focus will be shed on Objective 2 of the framework) in ECCAS, ECOWAS, and IGAD. The assessment should identify gaps and opportunities for adoption and implementation of the AU-PFPA to support the livelihood of the pastoral communities (Pastoral Ethno-groups) and resilience of the pastoral systems.
- To document the Indigenous Knowledge Practices (IKP) status for pastoralists' livelihood and disaster risk management/reduction in the main pastoral communities (Ethno-groups) in the four targeted regions.
- To road map for the inclusion of the IKP in the implementation and adoption of the AU-PFPA.
- To capture and undertake the documentation of real-time stories, on the indigenous communities' IKP, in some selected countries/cross-border communities through videography, photography, and interviews.
- To identify and capture voices of women pastoralists in IKP.
- o produce advocacy and awareness materials (narrative documentation that can be online-viewed and shared through social media (YouTube, Twitter, etc.) and relevant websites and networks in a joint effort to raise awareness on rangelands, pastoralism, AU-PFPA and IKP.
Deliverables of the consultation:
The 3 Sub-regional Consultants
Three (3) sub-regional reports; one on each of the identified 3 RECs highlighting the status on adoption / implementation of the AU-PFPA and other aligned Policies/strategies, Indigenous-Knowledge Practices for Pastoralists' Livelihood and Disaster Risk Management/Reduction, and the roadmap/plan for supporting the implementation of the AU-PFPA with the incorporation of the IKP in each region.
The Documentation Expert (Videographer)
An overall informative short documentary of the IK practices of no more than 7-10 minutes presenting community voices, IK application and experience.
. A set of sub-regional specific videos of not more than 7mins.
The Photographer:
To provide a number of 25-50 color and /or b/w (as required) highly relevant digital images in high quality and resolution as a RAW file (300 pixels/inch: minimum size 3000 x 2000 pixels) and the same selection in lower resolution (1000 pixels longer edge, JPEG format), for every pastoral group in the consultation.
. Edited selection of at least 25 photos (as agreed with AU-IBAR) using specialized photo editing software (e.g. Photoshop) to comply with AU-IBAR photography and image standards, within one week from the shooting session.
. A complete caption information in “file info” and a separate word format for the captions list.
The Lead Consultant:
One Regional report on the status of AU-PFPA and other aligned Policies/strategies adoption and implementation, Indigenous-Knowledge Practices for Pastoralists' Livelihood and Disaster Risk Management/Reduction, and the roadmap and plans for supporting the implementation of the AU-PFPA with the inclusion of the IKP. A brief report, supported with a short documentary, to enable information dissemination during the IRC congress in October 2021.
The Consultants Responsibilities
The Lead Consultant
- Preparation of an inception report (including timely technical and financial implementation plan of the consultation activities, sub-regional and regional reports structures, source of data/information, data collection and presentation formats, data analysis approaches, etc.), and a google depository folder with all data/information collected, in coordination with the 3 sub-regional consultants.
- To guide, supervise, coordinate and follow-up the sub-regional assignments with the 3 sub-regional consultants, and the documentation expert.
- Guiding and coordinating the documentation plan and scripts for the real-time capturing process, in coordination with the 3 sub-regional consultants, the documentation expert and the photographer.
- To contribute to reviewing the sub-regional reports and development of the final ones.
- To lead the stakeholders validation meetings for the outcomes of the sub-regional reports.
- To provide draft and updated (final) regional reports to the AU-IBAR as required.
- To produce deliverables in accordance with the requirements and timeframes that are defined in the consultancy agreement and this TOR.
The 3 Sub-regional Consultants
- To contribute to the preparation of the inception report (including timely technical and financial implementation plan of the consultation activities, reports structures, source of data/information, data collection and presentation formats, data analysis approaches, etc.) with the Lead Consultant.
- To guide the sub-regional assignments with the documentary expert and the photographer to coordinate, support, and facilitate the documentation process in each region.
- To develop and provide draft, and updated (final) sub-regional report / data / information, as indicated in the inception report and approved work plan.
- To contribute to the sub-regional stakeholders validation meetings for the outcomes of the sub-regional reports.
- To provide draft and updated/final sub-regional reports/outputs to the AU-IBAR as required.
- To produce other deliverables in accordance with the requirements and timeframes that are defined in the consultancy agreement and this TOR.
Documentary Expert
- To prepare a technical and financial proposal, work plan and budget for his/her assignment.
- To develop the video concepts, scripts, and story boards to be discussed with AU-IBAR and consultants.
- To perform appropriate short interviews with community stakeholders, key project partner, as per agreed interview guide to be developed together with AU-IBAR.
- To provide editing and sub-titling into French/English on provided translation by AU-IBAR.
The Photographer
- To prepare a technical and financial proposal, work plan and budget for his/her assignment.
- To provide a number of 25-50 color and /or b/w (as required) highly relevant digital images in high quality and resolution as a RAW file (300 pixels/inch: minimum size 3000 x 2000 pixels) and the same selection in lower resolution (1000 pixels longer edge, JPEG format), for every pastoral group in the consultation.
- Edit a selection of at least 25 photos (as agreed with AU-IBAR) using specialized photo editing software (e.g. Photoshop) to comply with AU-IBAR photography and image standards, within one week from the shooting session.
- Include complete caption information in “file info” and a separate word format for the captions list. Caption information should include: date, place/location/GIS, subject names and age, and brief description of the situation photographed. The final sets of edited digital images (including caption information) will be delivered on portable storage devices and emailed to AU-IBAR.
Competences and experience
The Lead Consultants
- Post-graduate degree in policies, livestock science, livestock production, rangeland management, Disaster Risk Management/Reduction, or associated field of expertise. A Doctoral degree in a related field would be preferable.
Work Experience
- At least 10-years of experience and knowledge in livestock production, disaster risk management, or rangeland management associated policies;
- Evidence of previous experience in the development or implementation of regional strategies and policies on livestock or rangeland management;
- Evidence of previous experience in developing and disseminating advocacy and awareness materials;
- Experience in assessing, implementing or promoting adoption of Indigenous knowledge Practices;
- Proven record of leading regional / continental consultative studies;
- Excellent soft skills and ability to articulate ideas in a clear and accurate manner including the ability to prepare reports;
- The regional consultant must be a residence of / has long working experience in Africa;
- Good interpersonal skills and ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with stakeholders from different cultural background; and
- Command in oral and written English; an additional French language skills will be of an added value.
The Three Sub-regional Consultants
- A minimum of a Master's degree in livestock sciences, livestock-sector related policies, pastoral management, disaster risk management, or relevant field of expertise. A Doctoral degree in a related field would be preferable.
Work Experience
- At least five years' experience in pastoral/rangeland management, natural resource management, or disaster risk management in Africa;
- Proven record of contribution to developing, implementing or assessing Pastoral / Rangelands / natural resource management/ Disaster Risk Management policies /strategic frameworks in the region he / she is conducting the assignment in;
- Experience in conducting assessment of national or regional consultations on livestock, natural resource management, or disaster risk management related policies/strategies;
- Knowledge of the practical application/adoption of policy frameworks, techniques, and Indigenous Knowledge to promote pastoral systems in Africa;
- Proven record of experience in the developing and facilitating stakeholder consultations.
- Proven records of developing advocacy materials;
- Excellent soft skills and ability to articulate ideas in a clear and accurate manner including the ability to prepare reports;
- Each sub-regional consultant should be a residence of / has long working experience in the region / REC, in which, the consultation will be conducted in;
- Good interpersonal skills and ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with stakeholders from different cultural background; and
- Command in oral and written English; an additional French language skills will be of an added value.
The Documentary Expert (Videographer)
- At least 10 years proven experience in film production, and documentation of lessons learned;
- Extensive experience in producing development work related documentaries for organizations with the aim of reaching out to both local and international audiences;
- Experience in developing learning and knowledge sharing documentaries;
- Excellent technical capacities (Full High Definition video) to ensure high quality production;
- Accurate current addresses i.e. physical, postal, telephones and email;
- Proven ability to work in multicultural environments;
- Availability to travel to other regions and countries (including remote locations); and
- Additional experience in development communication will be an added advantage.
The Photographer:
- Demonstrable prior experience in photographing and recording similar projects/activities, with portfolio provided upon request.
- Ability to deliver products according to the specified technical requirements.
- Must have good command of own photographic equipment (cameras, lenses, lights, filters, tripods), as well as photo-related image editing software.
- Proven experience of photo editing skills with professional software; e.g., Photoshop.
- Preferably being with bilingual skills (English and French).
Remuneration and cost
For each of the three (3) sub-regional consultants, the actual duration of the consultation mission is working 20 days of technical Consultancy, within a total period of 30 days. Each consultant will be paid a lump sum of USD 6,000 for the consultancy mission.
The Lead consultant is expected to work for 25 actual working days over the consultation period (30 days), so that he/she will get a total lump sum of USD 7500.
Both the documentary expert and the photographer are expected to work for 20 days, along the consultation period. Each will receive a lump sum of USD 6,000.
Travel outside duty station (Home country) and other supporting services
Air tickets or road transport and Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) will be financially covered according to the AU rules in this regard, upon approval of travel plans and schedules.
Costs for field data collection, validation process, stakeholders' meetings/interviews, field facilitation personnel, and/or translation/interpretation services will be covered upon approval according to AU-IBAR rules and regulations in this regards.
Status and responsibilities of the consultant
The contracted consultant for the Short Consultancy Mission is not engaged as an employee of AU-IBAR and therefore is entirely responsible for his/her own medical and life insurances. There will be no other entitlements.
The consultant will have no authority to incur any liability or make any commitment on behalf of AU-IBAR, nor will hold himself/herself out as being an employee of AU-IBAR.
As an independent consultant, he/she will be solely responsible for any tax, national insurance contributions and any other similar payments and will keep AU-IBAR indemnified against any claims or costs in relation to those matters.
Ownership of information and confidentiality
Any information arising out of this work is the property of AU-IBAR and should be available on request. The consultant should obtain a written agreement from AU-IBAR before divulging information relating to the study to any third party.
The consultant will work under the overall guidance and supervision of the AU-IBAR Animal Production, Natural Resources Management and Resilience expert. Videographer and photographer will be working under the overall guidance and supervision of the AU-IBAR Knowledge Management Officer.
Copy right
All materials arising out of the Consultancy shall remain the property of contracting authority and affiliates as may be defined who will manage the material on behalf of conference organizers.
Application for the Consultancy:
Applicants are required to submit the following:
- A technical proposal: Letter of Interest, stating why you consider yourself suitable for the assignment, and provisional workplan with cost estimate for conducting the study.
- Personal profile on handling related assignments.
- Personal CVs for individual consultant highlighting qualifications and experience associated with the consultancy field of expertise.
- Technical proposal shall not exceed five pages.
Please ensure that the attached Declaration Form is duly filled in, signed, and stamped.
The Declaration form has to be submitted together with the other requirements (Curricular Vitae, and Technical Proposal). Failure to do nullifies your application.
Please note that the attached Personal Data & Privacy Statement is for their perusal and notice. It requires no action
How to apply:
The email address for submission of the proposals is:
By no later than 17:00 East African Time (EAT) on 10th September 2021. Specific questions not answered in this call may be emailed to:, no later than 3rd September 2021.